Monday, October 4, 2010

Two BIG Days!

Yesterday, Sunday, October 3rd - Molly rolled over for the first time!  And she did it twice in a row!  Amazingly, Charles and I were both watching....JUST like when Macy rolled over!  I'm so glad we both had that opportunity!  Molly is on a 'roll', too, because she did it several times tonight as well!  Macy is holding out for a dramatic repeat performance, I suppose.

Yesterday, Charles and I made some investments in our Photography Business, "The Happy Clicker"....we bought a new camera and we set up a fall scene and took pictures to use to advertise our 1st Annual Happy Clicker Pumpkin Patch Photo Sessions.  The girls looked adorable in the pumpkin patch!  Charles was fantastic at supporting my venture and coming up with great ideas for the scene!  He's already thinking about Christmas pictures.  :)  Check out our blog:

Today was my first day back at school!  It was a big ol' honkin' deal...but went well!   In a way, it felt like tat old saying that it was 'just like riding a bike'...I felt like I had never been gone in many ways.   I talked to Macy and Molly yesterday, individually, and explained what was going to happen and where I would be going and why.  I know that's silly, but I really wanted to do it.  When I gave Molly her little talk, she giggled and laughed as my tears fell on her face.  It probably would have been funny to watch.  When I left this morning, I went to kiss them bye (like 3 times!) and both of them smiled in their sleep as I whispered to them.  Charles is off every Monday and so he was with them today.  He does a great job with them.  Mrs. Vance starts tomorrow, and she loves them.  That is wonderful to know.  Even though I'd give anything to stay home with them, this scenario is the best case scenario for needing to work when you have students were great, my friends and sister called/emailed to check on me, my husband is great, my team at school and my colleagues and principal are amazingly girls smiled at me.  All is well.  Thank you for reading our blog!


  1. Glad your first day back went smoothly...wish I was with with you! I also adore the pumpkin patch shots...good luck with the session! MISS YOU!

  2. I'm so excited about your photography gig! How exciting for you! I do the same thing when I leave the house for a while (explain it to Emily). It makes me feel better too.
