Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Preschool --- It is Time!!

Oh I am SO excited that you girls are starting preschool....don't get me wrong...I am NOT ok with y'all growing up...but since it is happening against my wishes, I'm excited to give you an opportunity to learn so much and to be exposed to many wonderful things while I'm at work.

Today, your Preschool teacher came to our house - CAME TO OUR HOUSE - to meet you!  How impressive is that?  She is the daughter of a colleague of mine...she comes from EXCELLENT stock and I am totally comfortable sending you to spend 3 mornings a week under her care.

Here's a few pictures from her week, she'll be greeting you in the classroom at church!

Mrs. Meghan and Molly

Mrs. Meghan and Macy

Monday, August 26, 2013

3 Year Doctor Visit

Praise The Lord for healthy babies!