Saturday, September 28, 2013

Bye Bye Pacis

Good ol' Dr. DuBose very gently delivered the already known news that it was time to let go of the pacifiers...we've been intending to do that for months...but, MAN, it is hard to do when it makes such a dramatic and wonderful impact on your sleeping routine.

Dr. DuBose had given us several ideas at your last doctor's appointment about ways we could approach giving the pacis away.  We picked the one where we would take the pacifiers to the hospital...the baby floor....and "give them to the babies" who really needed them.  wink wink

So, finally, we did it.

We went to the 4th floor.....made our way to the nurses' desk.....smiled a knowing smile at them and explained how Dr. DuBose said that we could bring the babies our pacifiers....the nurses were so kind about could tell that what we were doing wasn't something that they've really done much (or ever) (thanks, Dr. D.)....but they did a great job inviting us to walk around and see the nursery......these days in hospitals, the nurseries are empty, often...because of the babies staying in the rooms more often.  So, as the girls looked in the babies.  But, several nurses offered to take the paci bags and give them to the babies.  I was totally impressed at how well they played along without any advance notice!

They were so happy to give them away.....but, come nightfall....uh oh.  We tried to warn them, but, it was a hard first night.  Things are better now...they have little "friends" (stuffed animals) to keep them company.

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