Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Mommy Takes Requests!

A short little post here to say that it cracks me up when you girls interrupt whatever verse/song I'm singing to request something different.

Molly, you are especially funny in this regard....

If I'm singing "The Wheels on the Bus"....I'll start singing it like normal....and you'll say "baybay" (baby) meaning that you want me to change to "The Baby on the Bus"......then, when I do'll quickly start saying, "honk honk"...meaning, "The Horn on the Bus".

If I start singing, "The Itsy Bitsy Spider".....after I get started, you'll say, "Pat Pat" meaning that you want me to switch to "Patty Cake Patty Cake" ....

The little smile that comes over your face while you're making your request is the icing on the cake!

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